WWW (World Wide Web)

  • It is a huge collection of pages of information linked to each other around one globe.
  • Every page is a combination of text, picture, audio, video, animation & hyperlink.
  • Tim Berners Lee is the father of  WWW

Web page

  • It is a collection of normal text, picture, video clip, audio clip & hyperlink.
  • It can be designed with HTML, XML, JavaScript etc.
  • HTML - design structure
  • JavaScript - validate the field
  • XML - advanced version of html


  • It is a collection of interlink webpages.
  • Website is accessed through url.
  • Url is a global address of web document on WWW.
  • Urls are unique in nature may don't have copy.
  • There are two parts in url.
          2.Resource name

  • Website is categorised according to their function.
          1.Personal Website
          2.Commercial Website
          3.Government Website

  • There are two types of websites
          1.Static - information site
          2.Dynamic - interactive site

Web Application (Web App)

  • You can run web app into the browser through url.
  • There are two types of  web app
          1.Service oriented
          2.Presentation oriented

Service oriented app

  • It is used to implement web services.
  • It is coded using CGI, JSP, ASP

Presentation oriented web app

  • It provides client side services.
  • They are coded using HTML, XML, JavaScript etc.

Web architecture

  • WWW follow two tier architecture.
  • It is a combination of web server & web client.
  • Web server produce & deliver information.
  • Web client retrive & display information.


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